That Peculiarity Called Pica
~ by Nomi Berger~ Pica (from the Latin term “magpie”) is the term for a feline’s affinity for eating anything that isn’t FOOD. And although it appears most frequently in young cats, it can affect older cats as well. Many cats may “nurse” on fuzzy items like wool, fleece and stuffed animals due to being weaned from their mothers too early, while others may
Cats and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
~ by Nomi Berger As the days grow darker and shorter, and the thermometer plummets, so does the mood of millions of people living in the Northern Hemisphere. But humans are not the only ones affected by what scientists refer to as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Our cats – even the happiest, most active and energetic ones — can suffer the same dramatic
Holiday Health Hazards for Pets
By Nomi Berger Dogs are prone to hazards at any point in their life, within their own genetics. Different breeds suffer with different illnesses in general or in old age, and many owners have to find some info on their pet and what they might need to be prepared for. Some of these conditions are non preventable due to their hereditary nature, however, there
Interesting Facts About Whiskers
Whiskers are not the same as fur or hair. They are thicker at the base than fur and get thinner as they extend. They feel harder than fur, and the base can feel almost as strong as the point of a safety pin (but not as sharp). Whiskers are sensory in nature and are rooted much deeper than normal hair. They can sense distance
Alternative Heartworm Prevention
After having my dogs’ blood taken for their heartworm screen, I was on pins and needles once again as I awaited the results. Getting the call that says our dogs are heartworm- and tickborne disease–free is always such a relief—especially because we don’t use our vet clinic’s recommended preventative medication. We had put our beloved previous dog on Revolution every year, believing it to
Why I Signed Up for The Furry Friends 5K
I am a wannabe long-distance runner. I like running because of all the usual reasons: it’s good exercise; it gives you an endorphin boost; you can do it anytime you want; it’s free; you can go alone and reflect or go with a friend and make it social…. The list goes on. But honestly? I also really like it because it doesn’t involve catching,
All Dogs Are Working Dogs
Libby When I was speaking with my sister recently about her Yorkie, Libby, who is almost two years old, she was telling me how she finds Libby’s typically fearless terrier behaviour endearing. I got a sense that she believed it was just Libby specifically who has this “attitude,” so I thought I would make her aware of the background of Yorkshire terribles terriers. My