dog tips

Helping your dog cope with thunder and fireworks

by Nomi Berger The arrival of hot weather and national holidays isn’t always a reason for celebration, especially for noise-phobic dogs. For them, hot weather means thunderstorms, and national holidays, like Canada Day, mean fireworks. And that can mean reactions from panting to panic attacks. It may also mean trembling, drooling or whining; pacing or barking; urinating or vomiting. If you own this type

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Holiday Health Hazards for Pets

By Nomi Berger Dogs are prone to hazards at any point in their life, within their own genetics. Different breeds suffer with different illnesses in general or in old age, and many owners have to find some info on their pet and what they might need to be prepared for. Some of these conditions are non preventable due to their hereditary nature, however, there

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Dog Park Etiquette

By Nomi Berger The lure of the dog park is inescapable. That wide expanse of lush, green grass. Trees, bushes and rocks everywhere. A high, wire mesh fence for added security. The scent of freedom in the air. As inviting as the scene may be, it’s essential that both you and your dog pass the test in proper dog park etiquette before you even

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How Do You Know You’re Ready to Adopt?

This post was written by our newest blogger, Torianne Allen! She combined feedback that some our supporters shared on our Facebook page with general tips to break down the main reasons people know when they are – or aren’t – ready to adopt a furry friend. Are you aware of the responsibilities that come with adopting a pet? When you tell your friends and

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Small Dogs vs. Big Dogs

Some dogs are small and some are big. The end. Just kidding. Today’s post is less about actual size and more about how small dogs are treated compared to their larger canine friends because how we treat small dogs has, in many ways, facilitated the widespread notion that all small dogs bark a lot and are aggressive. As a TAGS volunteer, I have met

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How to Deal With Separation Anxiety in Pets

Many owners face a pet’s separation anxiety at one point, especially if their beloved pet is a rescue dog. Our pets become anxious because they don’t understand why we can’t just stay and play with them all day instead of going to work. Source: Source: The Animal Guardian Society’s website. Symptoms of Separation Anxiety: Whining, howling, barking Destructive chewing Urinating or defecating in

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How to Prepare Your Dog for the Fireworks

This article originally appeared in our official newsletter for the month of May. To get more informative articles and sweet tales from the life of a rescue group, sign up for our newsletter today! Caution: Seasonal Noise Ahead The arrival of hot weather and national holidays (like Victoria Day) aren’t always reasons to celebrate. Especially for noise-phobic dogs. For them, hot weather means thunderstorms.

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