All Dogs Are Working Dogs

Libby When I was speaking with my sister recently about her Yorkie, Libby, who is almost two years old, she was telling me how she finds Libby’s typically fearless terrier behaviour endearing. I got a sense that she believed it was just Libby specifically who has this “attitude,” so I thought I would make her aware of the background of Yorkshire terribles terriers. My

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Why I Volunteer: Nick

And Why You Should Too. Without a doubt, animal rescue is a morally righteous hobby. It is hard to disagree when you look at the state of animal welfare in our society, from general overpopulation, punitive training techniques, to puppy mills. But everyone finds their way into activities in different ways, and mine was purely self-serving. I grew up with a family dog. After

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Bach Flower Remedies for Pets

Help Your Pets Overcome Their Depression or Anxiety With Bach Flower Remedies Our pets can get just as depressed or nervous as we do. Lots of situations can bring their sad side out, like the absence or loss of an owner or someone who was close to them. They can get nervous simply from going to the vet or from fireworks outside. CC image

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Boston Pizza Celebrity Server Event!

You are invited to attend the Boston Pizza Celebrity Server Event!This Wednesday, March 13th, volunteers from TAGS will be pairing up with servers at Boston Pizza (Whitby North location) to serve you and your friends hot, delicious meals between 5:00 and 8:00p.m. We are so excited about this fundraising event because it allows us to meet more members of our community. Also, since part of

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Donate to the Shyla Fund—Meet Shyla

When I visited Shyla at her foster home, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew that she was a sick dog with lots of problems, so I tried to prepare myself to see a depressed and weak little dog. Fortunately, Shyla’s condition hasn’t affected the way she sees the world. Shyla sees the world as if she has to make friends with everyone

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