Dear TAGS: What’s the best method against pulling?
Hilary asked: I have had a few people recommend a certain way of putting on our dog’s leash to reduce his pulling. Basically it’s as follows: run the leash along the dog’s back to its hips; wrap the leash around the dog’s waist under its belly and loop the leash through itself to make a slip tie (it has a special name but I
Top 5 Fun Winter Activities to Do With Your Dog
Despite the weather getting colder and colder, make some time to exercise with your dog. When it’s mild and calm outside (usually right after it snows), grab your jacket and your dog and get out of the house for some playtime! Aside from the usual snowball throwing, there are other creative ways to tire the dog (and yourself) out. Dawson is up for adoption.
TAGS Educates
TAGS feels that it’s important to always educate people about pets. It seems easy to own a dog or a cat, but there is much more to it. We can always improve ourselves to better understand our furry companions. Chappie and Blossum (recently adopted) just graduated! Good job! Hence, TAGS introduced a Dear TAGS section in the blog where you can send your questions
New Year’s Eve Fireworks—What to Do If Your Dog Runs Away
Fireworks – CC image courtesy of bortescristian on Flickr New Year’s Eve is almost here, and so is snow and freezing cold! You have to leave the house with several layers of clothing just to make sure you won’t get cold. Does it sound familiar? Imagine if you are not prepared at all and have to spend some nights out there in a snowstorm.
If the World Ends Today
5 Tips to Make This Day Useful 1. Take your dog for a long walk to the park (if the weather allows—read our cold weather tips for dogs) and give him some attention. Play some fun games with the ball or Frisbee. It’s good to spend some quality time with your pet not just because of some crazy Mayan predictions, but realistically, the holidays
Pet Cancer Prevention Tips
Dos and don’ts November is national Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Many people don’t realize that their beloved pets are just as likely to get cancer as humans are. Unhealthy processed foods and environmental factors are most often the cause of tumours developing in our pets’ body. While it’s more common for dogs to get cancer, but that also means, that cats can, too, and