Where do TAGS dogs come from?

~by Caroline, TAGS Volunteer You may wonder where our beautiful TAGS rescue dogs and cats come from. The answer is anywhere from Manitoba east to Quebec. By far the majority of our dogs and cats come from Northern Manitoba. They come from Northern Indigenous Communities where roaming dogs are the norm. Manitoba has the most reserves of any Canadian province at 63. Many are
Why I Foster

By Lesia, TAGS Volunteer It was never my intention to foster. I originally signed up as a volunteer for assessment and intake for dogs that were being surrendered by their owners. My own rescue was an owner surrender that I had adopted through TAGS and I was so impressed with the experience, I knew I wanted to be part of this organization in order
Signs your Cat may be Sick

~by Nomi Berger~ Has your puss-in-boots lost the spring in her step? Has he turned tail and taken off at your approach? Has she given her food a sudden “paws down”? Has the love light dimmed in his eyes Then, perhaps all’s not well in kitty town. The more attuned you are to your cat’s daily routines and behavior, the sooner you’ll notice even
Should you Kiss your Kitty?

~by Nomi Berger~ Most cat owners I know admit to kissing their cat. It seems perfectly normal among cat lovers, but non “cat” people (not to mention my mother) seem to baulk at the idea. But the question is, is it safe to kiss your cat? If you have a healthy immune system and your cat is free of disease and parasites then giving
Catified Cats Are Satisfied Cats

˜by Nomi Berger The verb may be new to the vernacular, but it’s far from a novel concept in “certain circles.” That verb is catification. The creation of a feline-friendly environment catering to a cat’s natural instincts to climb and perch, rest and play. A “cats only” club whose members own their own space. Curious about catifying? Then, consider these suggestions. Since felines are
Two’s the Ticket

~ by Nomi Berger Question: Why are kittens born in litters? Answer: To be nourished and nurtured, socialized and stimulated. Question: Why should kittens be adopted in pairs? Answer: To KEEP them socialized and stimulated, and to satisfy their innate curiosity. From birth, close interaction with their mother and littermates allow kittens to mature into sociable and well-adjusted, healthy and happy cats. While separating
First Nations Project

∼by Carolyn Jewson∼ If you follow the TAGS website or social media you will have noticed a lot of dogs and puppies from Manitoba since November of 2017. You might be asking yourself why we choose to help these dogs over others. You may wonder why are there so many dogs? There is a crisis on First Nations reserves in Manitoba and in fact,
The ABC’s of Cat Behaviour

~ by Nomi Berger Whether their behaviours are amusing, bewitching and charming or aggressive, bothersome and cantankerous, living with cats is always adventurous, seldom boring and occasionally challenging. Whatever cats do, they do it for a reason, THEIR reason, while humans come along for the ride: to watch, listen and learn. Listed below are some feline behaviors (some naughty, some nice) that may sound
Senior Cats and Senior Citizens

~ by Nomi Berger Familiar with the axiom: “There may be snow on the roof top, but there is fire in the furnace”? Now, imagine it this way: “There may be snow on the fur/hair, but there is fire in the soul.” Not to mention a springy step, a feisty spirit and a loving heart. Describing both a senior cat and a senior citizen,
March Adoptions

What a fantastic month! 17 adoptions!! Congratulations to everyone! Let’s keep the momentum going!