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Play Bingo for Charity!

Do you love playing bingo? Did you know that you can support a good cause just by playing at the Red Barn in Oshawa?
If you have never tried bingo, start with us! The proceeds go toward helping our rescue dogs. You can enjoy your game, knowing that we will be able to save many more dogs’ lives thanks to you.
There are several sessions each day, and sometimes there are up to 200 people playing. The atmosphere is always great, especially on TAGS dates. Currently twice a month, from 3:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., four of our volunteers help out and make your afternoon of bingo even more fun. And since the funds raised are shared on the basis of pooling, the more often TAGS participates, the more revenue we receive. Therefore, we are always looking for new volunteers who are interested in helping at bingo sessions.
But if you can’t volunteer, you can still help by playing. Visit the Red Barn in Oshawa (directions here) and raise funds for our rescues! Your help is greatly appreciated.

Remaining dates for 2012: December 2 & 18.

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