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Be Brave for Bedford

In just over a week, some of our volunteers will be heading south to Tennessee to volunteer at Bedford County Animal Control, a shelter greatly in need of assistance.

The staff at Bedford County Animal Control have faced many hardships over the past year, and yet they continue to work tirelessly to help the animals in their care. Many of the dogs who have come through the TAGS adoption program are from this shelter. Visit their Facebook page and you’re sure to spot dogs that have been, or are currently in, our program.

The shelter is underfunded and is located in an area of the US that has a drastic overpopulation of dogs and cats, who depend on them for support.

We are trying to raise money for this shelter in their time of need.

Please if you can help, even just a small donation will surely go a long way.

As always, we really appreciate your support!

Donations can be made via Canada Helps.

Be sure to select “Be Brave for Bedford” for designation.

bedford 2  Click on the image to view a larger version.


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